Christmas carol service 2021



Monday 6th December 2021.  6.30pm at St. Paul’s Church, Covent Garden.

The most convivial event in the Covent Garden calendar!

Everyone is welcome, of any faith or none, as we celebrate Christmas and look forward to a New Year.

There will be carols, readings, music, opera, food and drink at this beautiful church in the heart of our neighbourhood.  Come in through the entrance gate on Bedford Street (postcode WC2E 9ED).


Summer 2020 re-opening after lock-down

Here at Covent Garden Community Association (CGCA) we are looking forward to seeing our neighbourhood re-open for business.  For those of us who can, we will need to support our local businesses more than ever in the absence of many visitors.

However, the situation also carries some concerns for the community.  For example, we are working very hard to get an amendment to the ‘Business & Planning’ Bill that went through the House of Commons rather quickly on Monday 29th June.  We believe that measures to deal with the full impact of some points have not been dealt with in the wording.  Westminster council, and the amenity societies in central London, are aligned on this.  As is Nickie Aiken, our MP on the Westminster side.  But we need to work fast.  To this end we have chosen what we believe to be the most glaring issue to highlight for amendment. (more…)

2020 Coronavirus lock-down

Here at Covent Garden Community Association (CGCA) we are continuing all our usual planning, licensing and environmental work – especially in relation to community safety which is, unfortunately, quite an issue at the moment.  There just won’t be any live presentations from developers until restrictions are eased.  And, sadly, the May Fayre has had to be cancelled so we won’t see you out in the sunshine then.

Local organisations are are dividing things up between us to support our community, trying not to duplicate efforts. (more…)

Seven Dials Pillar Celebration


Saturday 29th June 2019, all around Seven Dials from 11am to 6pm.

Street performers, Children’s games and painting, Story telling, Community stalls, Music, Food and more, as part of ‘Festival 30‘…

… as well as two exhibitions at 19 Earlham Street that explain and celebrate the history ancient and modern of this remarkable area – the only surviving streets of Stuart London. (more…)

Annual May Fayre & Puppet Festival

Sunday, 12th May 2019.  11am to 5.30pm in St. Paul’s garden.

The nearest thing that we have to a Village Fete in Covent Garden.

Everyone is welcome to this beautiful, free event in the garden of St. Paul’s by the piazza.

The forecast is fine.  Please come, chat to your neighbours and get in the mood for Summer. (more…)

Armistice Centenary

In November 2018 a series of commemorative events across the UK will mark 100 years since Armistice.

Capco Covent Garden is planning to commemorate the Armistice by exploring the role played by the local community and would like your help in gathering information relating to the community’s contribution to the war effort.

This could be the story of your family from the Covent Garden area who took part in the war effort, either as a serviceman or back home, or the role of local services (such as nursing hospitals) – and, of course, the Market itself. (more…)

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