2020 Coronavirus lock-down

Here at Covent Garden Community Association (CGCA) we are continuing all our usual planning, licensing and environmental work – especially in relation to community safety which is, unfortunately, quite an issue at the moment.  There just won’t be any live presentations from developers until restrictions are eased.  And, sadly, the May Fayre has had to be cancelled so we won’t see you out in the sunshine then.

Local organisations are are dividing things up between us to support our community, trying not to duplicate efforts.

If you need help, especially for someone elderly and/or vulnerable, please contact Dragon Hall who are co-ordinating a lot of excellent outreach work.  See more details on the Dragon Hall website.

Click here to access or offer local neighbour help on the ‘Next Door’ app., Covent Garden section.

And both our local authorities are running volunteering schemes to support people in both Camden and Westminster.  Please use these links:

Westminster Connects

Camden coronavirus help

The CGCA is participating in a weekly call with one of our MPs, Nickie Aiken, who is coordinating residents groups across her constituency.  We will publish relevant information from that.  Her latest update is here.


Call: 020 ~ 7836 5555
Email: info@coventgarden.org.uk
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Registered Charity (No. 274468)

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by: Sparkly Media
Website last updated: 12 Jun 2024
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