

Updates on some local premises with current applications, as well as some past application details presenting important licensing issues can be found by clicking here.

People who run, or wish to run, Licensed premises make Licensing applications to the relevant local authority where they are considered by officers and then by a Members’ committee.  Licences are required for the sale of alcohol, dancing, music, film, theatre and for late night refreshment (defined as hot food sold between 11pm and 5am).

As a recognised local amenity group, the CGCA’s Licensing Committee reviews all applications in our area and bordering it, and decides whether or not to make representations.  Where possible, we negotiate with applicants to introduce conditions to minimise any impact on local residents.  These may include restrictions on the hours of operation, management of people outside premises, timing of servicing and the need to have alcohol only with food.

If you are a Licensee in the Covent Garden area and are considering applying for a new or varied licence then please contact the CGCA Licensing Committee. We would much rather discuss the application in advance than have to argue about it in front of a Council Committee. Please see our suggested Guidance notes for Licence applicants.

If you are a resident or business and a licensed premise near you causes you any sort of nuisance or disturbance then please make sure that you complain to Camden or Westminster either at the time or shortly afterwards, copying us in if possible. These complaints are taken seriously by the Council Enforcement teams. They are also very useful if the premises later apply for a variation or if the problems become so acute that you or the CGCA decides that the licence needs to be reviewed.

Licensing Policies

We work with both Westminster and Camden on revising their Licensing Policies to improve the protection that they give local residents.  The whole of the CGCA’s area is a “Special Policy Area” which means that there is a presumption to refuse new or varied licences unless they can show that they should be treated as an exception.

CGCA Licensing Subcommittee

The Licensing Sub-Committee discusses applications as they come up rather than having regular meetings.  We involve our members and other local people who are likely to be affected by each application, in order to inform our views.  We are always looking for people who can help with reviewing applications, liaising with residents and businesses, writing representations, negotiating with applicants and attending hearings. If this appeals to you, please get in touch.


Call: 020 ~ 7836 5555
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Registered Charity (No. 274468)

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by: Sparkly Media
Website last updated: 20 Mar 2025
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